Yearly Archives: 2011
Want to tell us what to grow next year and where to sell it? Click here to take the survey. Actually, some of those things, like apples and grapes, require long-term planning. Those wouldn’t be ready by next year. But hearing what you want helps me plan. And if there’s […]
I’m doing some financial planning for next year, figuring out how much it will cost to produce what, and what I can expect to earn from it. I’m breaking it up by operations, assigning to each one a cost in dollars (if I have to buy something) and in the […]
I just finished dropping off the last of our inventory–75 lbs. of chicken wings and nine pounds of split breasts–at Celebrate Local. Look for it in the freezer section in the back of the store. It’s on the bottom shelf, right between Manchester Hill’s ducks and Carousel Water Gardens’ chickens.
A man in my neighborhood has 11 hens he’d like to sell. They’re all brown egg layers, mixed breeds, probably around three years old (maybe more). They’re five dollars each. Email me at if you’re interested. Most of them (maybe all of them?) used to be mine. They’re not […]
Don’t forget–this Saturday is the really, really last Clintonville Farmers Market of the season. No more markets until next spring. Come get the last of my chicken. Surprisingly, I also still have collards and kale. Maybe I’ll be able to harvest the last of it for Saturday’s market.
I received a voicemail from a reporter at the Columbus Dispatch today. She had also emailed earlier today. Here’s the email she sent: Mr. Shingler: I am a reporter at The Columbus Dispatch. I am writing a story for Tuesday’s paper about how the county and the township are trying […]
Thank you all so much for coming out to the open house this past Sunday! I noticed that several people were taking photos, and I thought I saw at least one person taking video. Could you share these with me? I’d like rights to use them, if I could–crediting you […]
For those who don’t get the newsletter, here’s the latest: This Thursday, September 29th, is the last day of the Easton Farmers Market. Especially those of you who purchased gift cards with the intention of using them only at Easton, don’t miss out! Easton’s new store Celebrate Local will officially […]
A Shelby County Environmental Court recently ordered Adam Guerrero, a high school teacher, to remove his garden because his neighbor doesn’t like it. Mr. Guerrero grows vegetables, produces biodiesel, and also raises bees. He uses the garden as an instructional tool in educating Memphis students. Why should Mr. Guerrero’s neighbor […]
For those of you who aren’t on our mailing list, here’s the newsletter I just sent out: I’ve recently been selected to serve on a subcommittee of the newly formed Franklin County Local Food Council, and our first meeting is this Thursday at the same time as the Easton Farmers […]
In addition to our usual offerings of whole chickens, chicken pieces, and chicken chorizo, Frijolito Farm will have some produce at the Clintonville Farmers Market tomorrow. Seeing as that’s happened so infrequently this year, I figure it’s worth making a big deal about. I’ll be bringing Swiss chard, kale, collards, […]
Some of you know that I used to be a police officer at Columbus State Community College. It was while I was working there that I started raising chickens in my back yard as a hobby. After raising a flock of 25 broilers to feed our wedding guests, I started […]
Did you miss the Clintonville Farmers Market this morning? Prefer sleeping in on the weekend? Frijolito Farm will be at a farmers market at Franklin Park Conservatory on Sunday, August 28th from noon to 4:00 p.m.! The market will be in the Caretaker’s Loop on the south side of the […]
I’ll have a new batch of chicken chorizo at the markets this week, but it’s a little different this time. Instead of having it made into brat-sized links with pork casings, I just had them pack it loose in 1-lb. bags. Also, if I can get to them before the […]
Somebody in the Columbus city government recently realized they had a law prohibiting people from vending on sidewalks without a permit. (Apparently, hot dog carts have a special permit.) This same city official realized that the Pearl Alley Farmers Market was in violation of this rule by allowing vendors to […]
That’s it–I’m converted. Everything’s getting planted farther apart from now on. I used to use my tiller only for tilling. Since it was always breaking down, I didn’t try to use it for anything other than initial soil prep in the spring. I’d mow down weeds, spread some compost, and […]
It’s been a rough week. Last Saturday after the Clintonville Farmers Market, I headed out to ASE Feed & Supply in Plain City to get some desperately needed chicken feed before they closed at 2:00. On the way there, I heard a terrible noise under the hood and the battery […]
Nature wastes nothing. Every molecule shed by an organism, from algae to elephant, is used by some other organism. The building blocks are all recycled, generation after generation. Given that nature seems to be pretty good at growing things, it seems wise for a farm to try to mimic nature’s […]