An Urban Family Farm
An Urban Family Farm

In Memoriam: Lisa Karas

Some of you know that I used to be a police officer at Columbus State Community College. It was while I was working there that I started raising chickens in my back yard as a hobby. After raising a flock of 25 broilers to feed our wedding guests, I started raising a few hens. It wasn’t a business then, but I did find we had more eggs and chicken than we could use, so I started selling the surplus to friends and neighbors years before we ever started doing farmers markets.

One of my first customers, and no doubt the most enthusiastic about our eggs, was Lisa Karas, an officer I worked with at the college. Lisa was a motivated cop, a loyal customer, and just an all-around nice lady. Shortly after I left the department, they created a detective position and she was promoted. I’m not really sure where her career went beyond that, as we fell out of touch. I just learned earlier today from a former co-worker that Lisa died recently from cancer.

Rest well now, Lisa. You earned it. Thank you for all you’ve done.