An Urban Family Farm
An Urban Family Farm

Free Roosters!

Back in December, I ordered 150 layer chicks and bought another several layer chicks from a friend. On May 1st, they laid their first egg. I’m sure there will be many, many more to follow.

The problem is that a handful of these birds are looking distinctly masculine. I’ve got maybe six that have much larger, brighter combs than the other birds, and they’re starting to get shiny, colorful feathers on their necks and tails. They even carry themselves differently, with one in particular being a very upright, strong looking bird.

I haven’t heard them crow yet (one sort of croaked while I was there at night feeding them, which is what drew my attention to this matter), but I’m not usually there in the mornings, either. It’s possible that my neighbors at Woodland wouldn’t mind the crowing, but I don’t want to push my luck. I also don’t want fertilized eggs.

So if anyone would like a handsome young rooster (or six), call or email me. They look like Rhode Island Reds or something similar–reddish-brown feathers with greenish-black tail feathers emerging. They’re still young enough that you could eat them as “slow growth, heritage” birds. Or, if you’re in an area where crowing is not an issue, you could breed them or just use them for protecting your flock.

If I don’t have them all moved before next Tuesday, May 10th, they’re going to the processor with the next batch of broilers. If I hear them crowing before that, I’ll have to whack ’em myself, so don’t delay!

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