I’ve been getting a lot of calls lately from people saying they saw “on the website” that I have ducks for sale. I don’t. I’m not sure where they’re getting that idea. But presently, I have no animals for sale and no meat for sale. I have only two goats, […]
I know typically I’m trying to sell you food–or, more often, you’re calling me looking for food I don’t have for sale–but this post is going to veer away from that relationship of me being the supplier and you being the consumer. I want you to grow food, and I’m […]
Wild apple foraging yields 41 lbs. of apples today from some trees on a vacant lot in our neighborhood.
A local heirloom from the 19th Century, Aunt Mary's Sweet Corn, is said to have come from a single farm in Darby Plains (in Prairie Township), Ohio, just outside the west outer-belt of Columbus.
On September 25th, I will have 16-week old pullets available, $20 each. I have Golden Comets and Barred Rocks. Yes, Meyer Hatchery has them for $12.88, but getting them from me, you won’t have to pay for shipping or make a 3-hour round trip to pick them up, AND, unlike […]
Tomatoes $3.00/lb, mostly Romas Ripe Ripening Green Pears $2.50/lb. Swiss Chard, $2.00/bunch Tomatoes and pears pictured are actual amounts on hand. The chard was just picked for the […]
A friend recently expressed concern on Facebook that it was too late to start “prepping.” As I was responding, it occurred to me that others might find this helpful, so I’m sharing it here as an open letter. While not related to agriculture, I’m posting it here on the farm […]
I haven’t updated the product listings for a while, so I wanted to leave a post here to let you know what’s available and what’s coming. All I have in stock at the moment are black raspberries and a few varieties of garden seeds (Glass Gem corn, Anasazi beans, and […]
Attention OHGers! In the event that Facebook takes down the Ohio Homesteaders and Gardeners Group for whatever reason, you can leave a comment on this post to let other members know how to get in touch with you. I told you all before that Woodland Urban Farm can serve as […]
Last year I bought a bunch of corn seed I never got to plant. (Just as well since the ducks ate all the corn I did plant.) Now I have so many varieties to choose from, and so few places to plant it without cross-pollinating unless I want to fight […]
A veggie seller called The Greener Grocer that used to be in North Market used to give me scraps for my chickens. The broilers wouldn’t touch any of it, so I threw it all to the laying hens. I’d just pull the truck up next to their run and throw […]
People often buy chicks, ducklings, and bunnies for Easter only to find soon after that they don’t want them anymore. Schools sometimes hatch eggs so students can see how it happens, but forget to arrange for the care of the animals after they’ve hatched. This can lead to animal […]
As many of you know, we had a lot of trouble with thieves and vandals in 2012, both animal rights activists and common burglars. Because of this, we’re making some serious security upgrades before getting back into the business of selling meat and eggs regularly. I’m repairing fences up front […]
In anticipation of the storm that came earlier this afternoon, I brought in most of the onions from the front porch–the ones that were done curing or mostly done.
On one of the Facebook pages I follow, people talked about a clearance sale on vegetable seeds at Dollar General. People were getting packs of seeds for as little as two cents each. I checked around, found that the Dollar General in Gahanna still had seeds, and sure enough, everything […]
A few years ago, I wrote a blog post about Adam Guerrero, an urban farmer in Memphis who was fighting for the right to garden in the city. I recently received an email from Stephanie Diane Ford, a colleague of his, updating me on their situation. The gardens have grown […]
After a few long nights, and by the generosity of Elephant Revival, who allowed us to use their song, “The Pasture,” Mayda and I have finally finished the video for our Indiegogo campaign which launched five days ago. We’re trying to raise money to purchase a vacant lot next door. […]
As longtime readers of this blog are probably aware, we used to raise chickens. LOTS of chickens, at least as far as urban, backyard flocks go. We had a laying flock of about 75-150, with plans to have about 300, and at our most productive, I was taking about 100 […]