Cover image: Crimson Clover Clover also draws up and accumulates trace minerals. When clover decomposes, it makes the minerals available to the lawn grass and soil life. The grass becomes more disease resistant because of the health benefits of clover.” In effect, making friends — not enemies — with clover […]
Potatoes are a great starter staple crop that grows well in our central Ohio climate. It’s late April, and time to plant our potatoes. Growing potatoes in 5 gallon buckets is easy. These buckets have holes drilled in the bottom for good drainage. You want to plant your seed potatoes […]
Peas were planted about 10 days ago. Lettuces were started in flats as well. This week we planted kale, chard, leaf lettuce, onions and potatoes. The rain has been watering everything down in the beds. We should be starting new flats of microgreens as well.
It’s Spring and many of us are spending more time at home. It’s a great time to start a garden. Here are some crops that can be planted right now here in central Ohio. Peas Peas are early spring crops. They sprout quickly and can produce in about 60-70 days. […]
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The flavor is sweet and spicy, and is extremely versatile. These tiny greens pack many times the nutrient density as full grown greens. These radish greens are juicy, crisp and tender, perfect for topping a sandwich or salad. Try replacing cabbage with daikon greens to make a much more interesting […]
June is the time for garlic scapes in central Ohio. Learn how this versatile delicacy can flavor your summer plate.
We used to raise chickens–LOTS of chickens, at least as far as urban, backyard flocks go–until county regulations changed and required us to have more land to be able to raise the same number of chickens we’d had before. We needed to purchase the vacant lot next door to be […]