The government refuses to force food manufacturers to list GMOs on their ingredient lists. But if you’re trying to avoid genetically modified food, at least you have the option of growing your own or buying from a local grower whose methods you can observe…or do you? Writer Bonnie Kristian talks […]
Monthly Archives: October 2014
3 posts
To feed our wood stove, I’ve been gathering fallen limbs and trees from the forest and bucking them with a miter saw. It takes me about an hour to get enough wood to last us 2-3 days. Then I set a few logs–about enough to fill the stove twice–on top […]
No, those aren’t giant coffee beans. It’s come to my attention that there’s a demand for pawpaw seeds and people are paying outlandish prices for them. One person out in New Albany was selling nine seeds for $4.00, and that’s considered to be the lower end of the going rate […]