An Urban Family Farm
An Urban Family Farm

The Pawpaws Are Ready


I picked our first couple pawpaws for the year, and they’re tasty. Since they passed the taste test, the kids and I will be picking the rest of them later today (Saturday).


Pawpaws are a native fruit, the largest one that grows in this region. The texture and flavor are something like a cross between banana and mango. You can eat them raw, bake with them, mix the pulp into a milkshake or a smoothie–anything you’d do with any other fruit pulp. (They don’t lend themselves well to slicing.) Just don’t eat the skin or the seeds. The flesh of the fruit is sweet and fragrant.


Would you like some? Send me an email (, contact us on Facebook, or leave me a message at (614) 390-2692. The pawpaws are $1.50 each, and I’m open to barter. Supplies are limited. When they’re gone, that’s it ’til next year.
