Gardeners: A message from OSU South Centers… “Downy mildew was confirmed today on watermelons from Medina County, OH. It is safe to say at this point that downy mildew is widespread in vine crops and growers throughout the state should be out scouting for the disease, especially in cucumbers. Susceptibility […]
Monthly Archives: August 2013
3 posts
Down by Law: Compiling Los Angeles’ Urban Ag Regulations My favorite line from the article: “If this all seems confusing and somewhat scattershot, that’s because it is.” That’s the problem with just copying another municipality’s policy. It’s the blind leading the blind. It’s often the case that even the people […]
This has gotten totally out of hand. A SWAT team raided a farm in Texas for code violations. They said they were looking for pot (after 10 hours of searching, they found none), but what they seized were fruits, vegetables, and native grasses. Their real reason for raiding was to […]