I planted about 120 feet of garlic on Monday. I’m hoping to get another 60′ or so in after the Local Food Council meeting today. Providing the deer don’t eat it beforehand, I’ll have young Red Russian kale at the Clintonville Farmers Market this Saturday. Maybe some beets, too.
Monthly Archives: October 2012
Hey, folks, I’m going to give the beets and kale another week before bringing them to market. I’m hoping they’ll get a little bigger by then. That being the case, I have only a couple handfuls of tomatoes and seven jars of peach glaze to sell–not enough to justify getting […]
It’s nice to see someone who gets it. “Americans can buy butchered, trimmed, plastic-wrapped cuts from the meat counter that are as easy to cook as a vegetable. Simpler still, pre-cooked rotisserie chickens and frozen products only require a little reheating to serve. Restaurant dishes usually have no bones, scales, […]
I should have looked in the mushroom patch before I left for the Clintonville Farmers Market Saturday morning. When I came back, I found EIGHT giant puffballs growing there, a few of them quite large. I doubt they’ll keep until the market next Saturday, but you can still come pick […]