Gene Logsden on the far-reaching effects of urban prejudice: Gene Logsdon: Our Hidden Wound “One of our textbooks, with all good intentions, I’m sure, had a chapter entitled “Farm Folk Are Human, Too.” My mother, half-amused and half-dismayed, showed that page to my father. He took one look and hurled […]
Monthly Archives: February 2012
I’m happy to see this. While supporting the development of our local food system is important, I think non-food items get overlooked in the discussion of supporting local farms. There was a time not so very long ago that most of the things we buy didn’t come from Asia. Most […]
I’ll let Mark tell his own story, but here’s the quick summary. The Michigan Department of Natural Resources is saying that his fenced-in, free-range hogs are an invasive species, and must be destroyed by April 1st. He’s suing the Department, and he’s trying to raise money for a legal fund. […]
Pondering a conversation from last summer about the relationship (or lack thereof) between healthy eating habits and access to healthy foods, I hit upon a question that won’t let me sleep.
It sounds like we’re not the only ones redefining Community Supported Agriculture. Check out this recent article in the Washington Post: