For those who don’t get the newsletter, here’s the latest: This Thursday, September 29th, is the last day of the Easton Farmers Market. Especially those of you who purchased gift cards with the intention of using them only at Easton, don’t miss out! Easton’s new store Celebrate Local will officially […]
Monthly Archives: September 2011
A Shelby County Environmental Court recently ordered Adam Guerrero, a high school teacher, to remove his garden because his neighbor doesn’t like it. Mr. Guerrero grows vegetables, produces biodiesel, and also raises bees. He uses the garden as an instructional tool in educating Memphis students. Why should Mr. Guerrero’s neighbor […]
For those of you who aren’t on our mailing list, here’s the newsletter I just sent out: I’ve recently been selected to serve on a subcommittee of the newly formed Franklin County Local Food Council, and our first meeting is this Thursday at the same time as the Easton Farmers […]
In addition to our usual offerings of whole chickens, chicken pieces, and chicken chorizo, Frijolito Farm will have some produce at the Clintonville Farmers Market tomorrow. Seeing as that’s happened so infrequently this year, I figure it’s worth making a big deal about. I’ll be bringing Swiss chard, kale, collards, […]